0 0 0 0 0 0 Google Play Store: 850 OBD-II
Lyhyesti sovellus tähtää korvaamaan Volvon virallisen VST testerin ja on tehty P80 alustalle vm. 96-00 (ja laajeneva tuki P2 alustoille!) lukemiseen ja jopa parametrien säätöön Android ja ELM327 (Bluetooth/Wifi/USB) adapterin kanssa. Myös muitten yleisten käsilaitteiden käyttämä OBDII standardi luentaa on mukana. Lue sivulla oleva "Tarkempi ominaisuuslista" joka tulee yhä kasvamaan!

ELM327 täytyy täyttää aidon V1.4b tason laitteen tuen jotka useat kiinan laitteet eivät täytä!

Tuki huomautuksia:
850/900 sarja
Sovellus ei tue seuraavia moduuleita koska ovat vanhempaa diagnostiikka järjestelmää eivätkä ei ole ELM327 saavutettavissa.
-Motronic M4.3
-MFI system (LH-jetronic 3.2 & EZ129K)
-Fenix 5.2
-Cruise Control
-Yazaki valmistama mittaristo

Seuraavat ovat tuettuja:
Motronic M4.4
AW50-42 (Automaatti vaihdelaatikko)
SRS (Airbag)
COMBI (VDO mittaristo)
Etu sähköpenkit

S70/V70/XC70, S90/V90
Näissä malleissa lähes kaikki moduulit oli päivitetty käyttämään uudempaa OBD diagnostiikkaa jota sovellus tukee paitsi Fenix 5.2 ECM (10 venttiili bensa kone).

Eli 850 sarjalaisten tuettujen listan lisänä on:
DSA, RTI, ROP, ECC, VGLA, 912-D lisälämmitin ja COMBI joka on tällä kertaa Yazaki mittaristo.
Myös Kaukosäätimien ohjelmointi (VGLA) on tuettu joka sovelluksen erikoisuutena onnistuu täysin ilman Volvon marmoritiskiä ja jumiutuneen ilmastoinnin palautus toimintakykyiseksi jos se on jäänyt kalibrointitilaan.

S40/V40 Vuosimallit 2004 asti
Malleissa on eroja jotka vaatii vielä lisätöitä esim. COMBI käyttää live data näyttämiseen eri komentoja jotka lisätään tulevissa päivityksissä.
V1.7.9 lähtien ABS Live Data lisätty tuki antureille ja 40 sarjalaisten COMBI parametrien ohjelmointi lisätty.

P80 Vuosimallit 1999-2000 (SVXC70 mallit, ei S80 sarja)
Nämä olivat kehitysvuosia Volvolla ja esim. V70 toimii osittain CAN Bus järjestelmän sisällä kuten Mittaristo (CDM/CEM), Moottorinohjaus (ECM) ja ABS (BCM).
VGLA (Hälytin), Immobiliser (ajonesto) SRS, AW 50-42.. olivat vielä vanhemmassa väylässä osittain tai rinnakkain.
Myös Kaukosäätimien ohjelmointi (VGLA) ja IMMO eli ajoneuvon avainten ohjelmointi on tuettu näissäkin vuosimalleissa.
CAN Bus luentaa eli tuettuina on edellisten tuettujen lisänä:
+Mittariston (CDM/CEM) tietojen lukemista (VIN koodi jne), Vikakoodien luku ja poisto, GAUGETEST ominaisuutta ja huoltovalon (SRI) nollaus ja ohjelmointia.
+ECM (ME7) vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus ja Live Data (V1.7.9 lähtien kasvaa tuki tarpeen mukaan).
+ETM vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus.
+ECM (DENSO) vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus.
+ECM (MSA15.8) vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus ja tyhjäkäynnin nopeuden ohjelmointia.
+TCM (vaihteisto) vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus ja Pressure ja Öljyn laadun arvojen resetointia ja Live Data (V1.8.5).
+ABS(BCM) vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus.

C70 Vuosimallit 2004 asti
Lisänä edelliseen listaukseen:
+ROPS vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus.
+CAB (katto) vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus.

P2 alustat eli vuosimallit 2000 lähtien (1998 lähtien S80 mallit) ja XC90 mallit
Volvo siirtyi lähes kokonaisuudessaan moni CAN Bus järjestelmään (Slow & High Speed).
ELM327 on fyysisesti johdotettu vain High Speed CAN Bus (OBDII 6,14) ja käyttäjän täytyy yhdistyä Slow Speed CAN Bus puolelle (OBDII 3,11) esim. kytkimellä tai väli adapterilla jos haluaa ottaa yhteyttä useimpiin ohjausyksikköön jotka siellä sijaitsee kuten DIM ja SRS.
Sovellus tukee tällä hetkellä edellä mainitun ELM327 modin kanssa Mittariston (DIM) GAUGETEST ominaisuutta.

CAN Bus tuki:
+CEM moduulin tietojen lukemista (VIN koodi jne), Vikakoodien luku ja poisto.
+ECM (ME7.01) vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus ja Live Data (V1.7.9 lähtien kasvaa tuki tarpeen mukaan).
+ETM vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus.
+ECM ( D5 moottorilla eli EDC16 ) vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus ja tyhjäkäynnin nopeuden ohjelmointia.
+ECM (MSA15.8) vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus ja tyhjäkäynnin nopeuden ohjelmointia.
+TCM (vaihteisto) vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus ja Pressure ja Öljyn laadun arvojen resetointia ja Live Data (V1.8.5).
+ABS(BCM) vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus.
+DEM vikakoodien lukua ja nollaus *kokeiluvaiheessa*.

Medium / Slow Speed CAN Bus moduulien luentaa tulossa myöhemmin.

P2 alusta ja vuosimallit 2005 lähtien (SVXC70, S60, S80 jne..)
Asetuksissa (Settings) joutuu vaihtamaan "CAN Bus year" asetuksen "1999 to 2004" seuraavaan eli "2005 up" asetukseen saadakseen yhteyttä tuettuihin moduuleihin.

+SERVICE nollaus / Ohjelmointi (COMBI ja CDM)
+Vikakoodien luku ja poisto (Service >> Scan ja ClearDTC)
-SRS valo? Jos viat korjattu.. vikakoodien poistolla sammuu!
+Anturien ja sisäisten arvojen reaaliaika data luenta (Live)
+Auton tietojen luenta (esim. moduulien Osanumerot/Parametrit)
+Testifunktioita ja ohjelmoitavia parametrejä Service >> Advanced valikossa esim.
>> Suutinten testaus (Motronic M4.4)
>> Syöttöpumpun (TDi) ajoittaminen (MSA15.7)
>> Kaukosäätimien ohjelmointi (V70 mallit esim. 1997-2000 vm. ja C70 -2004 vm.) (VGLA).
.. ja paljon muita!

Vielä useampaa toiminnallisuutta hakusessa jolloin korvaa täysin Volvon virallisen huoltovehkeen ( ja muutama mitä ei Volvolta löydy ;) ).
*Ei testattu* Saab 9-3 2.8T Aero/Turbo X nopeuden rajoittimen luenta ja muuttaminen OBDLink SX usb kaapelin kanssa.
Ohjelma toimii myös pelkkänä ELM327 laite terminaali ohjelmanakin sitä tarvitseville.. hakkereille :)

Tarkempi ominaisuuslista:

Vikakoodien selitykset kokonaisuudessaan: -Motronic (M4.4) -EMS2000 -MSA15.7 (D5252T moottorilla varustetut) -DENSO -ABS/BCM -AW 50-42 / AW 30-43 -COMBI -VGLA (Lukko ja Hälytin) -912-D Lisälämmitin -ECC (vain S40/V40, C70/S70/V70/XC70) -IMMO (Ajonesto) -RTI -SRS (vuoteen 2000 asti P80 mallit) -Etu sähköpenkit -ROPS (Roll Over Protection) (vain C70) -CAB (vain C70) >> P2 Alusta -CEM -BCM (ABS) -ECM ME7 -ETM -ECM EDC16 -ECM MSA15.8 -DEM ... Jos joku vikakoodin selitys puuttuu.. ohjelma tallentaa kuitenkin vikakoodin viitearvon.

Live Data: -OBDII Standardi (osittain) -ABS -SRS (turvatyyny) -Instrument panel (COMBI) -AW 50-42 / AW 30-43 (vaihdelaatikko) -MSA15.7 -Motronic 4.4 -ME7 (CAN Bus) -IMMO (41)(Ajonesto) -VGLA (lukot jne) -ECC (ilmastointi) -Sähköistuimet -HEAT (lisälämmitin /912D/Ardic) -TCM 99+ (CAN Bus) ...

Advanced (koekäyttö, testaus, parametrien säätö, ohjelmointi): >>Instruments (COMBI, CDM) -Service (SRI) eli huoltovalon syttymis aikakohta (kilometrit, aika tai käyttötunnit) -Renkaan koko parametri (huom! vain 850 (ei ole suoraa verrokkia renkaan kokoon) ja 40 mallit, vaikuttaa nopeuden näyttämiseen ja kilometrien määrän tallentumiseen) -Markkina-alue parametri (muista tallentaa alkuperäinen lukema! V70 voi muuttua vahingossa maili mittariksi) -Nopeuden varoitus parametri (vain jos retrofit korjaus tehty tai mittaristo on valmiina ominaisuus aktivoituna)
>> Motronic (M4.4) -Jäähdyttimen puhallin (Nopea/Hidas) -IAC venttiili -Suuttimien testi -Polttoainepumpun rele -Toisioilma pumppu (SAS) -Toisioilma venttiili -EVAP venttiilit (Shut-off, Purge)

>> EMS2000 -Opeteltujen arvojen resetointi

>> MSA15.7 -Polttoainepumpun ajoitus (TDI) -EGR venttiili -Turbo Regulating Valve -MIL valo -Heater Relay 1 -Heater Relay 2/3 -Jäähdyttimen puhallin (Nopea/Hidas) -Tyhjäkäynnin Ala-arvon Parametri -Käynnistyksen syötön määrän säätö parametri -EGR säätö parametri

>> MSA15.8 -Tyhjäkäynti Ala-arvon Parametri

>> TCM (Automaatti vaihdelaatikko) (Non CAN) AW50-42 -S1 ja S2 solenoidit -Lock-up Solenoid -Line Pressure solenoid -Varoitusvalo >> TCM P2 Alusta (CAN Bus) -Erase Adaptive Data (Adaptive Pressure) -Erase Adaptive Data (Oil Quality)

>> ABS (huom! 40 sarjalaiset ei saata toimia) -ABS Pumppu -Yksittäiset venttiilit(solenoidit)

>> ECC (Ilmastointi) -ECC säätömoottorien kalibrointi *Huom! Jos ECC on jäänyt Self Adjustment tilaan vian kohdatessa, sovelluksessa on toiminto jolla palauttaa ECC takaisin toiminta tilaan. -ECC Päivitys -ECC Konfigurointi (Parametrit)

>> DSA (Dynamic Stability Assistance) -Reset Wheel Adaption

>> VGLA (Lukko ja Hälytin 70 mallisarjalaiset 2004 vm asti) -Add Remote (kaukosäätimien ohjelmointi) -Retrieve PIN -Konfiguraatio

>> IMMO (Ajonesto) -Key Programming ( Avainten ohjelmointi )

>> HEAT ( Lisälämmitin ) -Konfiguraatio ...

Esimerkkinä 850 (97 / 2.4l 10V / automaatti) Volvosta voi lukea laturin latausjännitteen, ABS anturien arvoja, automaattilaatikon öljyn lämpötilan, TPS anturin (TCM eli vaihdelaatikon kautta huom!) jne...
Tärkein työkaluna on vikakoodien (DTC) lukeminen ja kuittaaminen ja SERVICE valon (SRI) sammutus jos käyttörajat menneet täyteen(eli aika-, kilometri-, tai/ja käyttötuntiraja*).
*Sovellus näyttää skannauksen (Scan) jälkeen kunkin laskurin tilanteen ja raja-arvot milloin valo on ohjelmoitu syttyvän.
Näitä rajoja voi muokata huolto eli Service valikoista: Advanced > Instruments > Service Light Program

Ohjelman pyrin pitämään yksinkertaisena mutta monipuolisena ja hankalin vaihde käyttäjälle pitäisi olla OBD laitteeseen yhdistäminen. Pidä virtalukko II asennossa.
Esimerkki Wifi ja Bluetooth yhdistäminen + luenta esimerkki.
Huom! Eräs S60 ECM ei yhdistynyt ennen moottorin käynnistämistä -- mahdollisesti oli virtalukko kulunut.

Bluetooth: +Paina bluetooth logoa oikea-yläkulmasta - Bluetooth Devices +Valitse listalta jo paritetun OBDII laitteesi - tai jos laitteesi ei ole paritettuna painat hakua(Search).. ja valitse laitteesi +Yhdistä laitteesi ylhäällä olevasta Play napista, jolloin sovellus luo yhteyden +Käytä sovelluksen toimintoja!
Muista pitää virrat päällä (II -asento virtalukossa) tai auto käynnissä.

Vikakoodien ja moduulien tietojen luenta tapahtuu huolto eli Service valikossa painamalla Scan nappia ja valitsemalla luettavat kohteet ja lopuksi painamalla START SCAN jolloin ohjelma hakee kaikki mahdolliset tiedot ohjelman aloitusikkunaan (Summary) ja tallentaen 850Log.txt tiedostoon käyttäjän niin halutessa (Settings > EXPORT LOG).
Huom! Jos valitset pelkän OBDII standard hakeassasi vikakoodeja... missaat paljon! Koska esim. Volvo luo vikakoodit suurimmissa määrin erillisinä moduuleissa eikä yleisinä Pxxx-koodeina (suurin osa moduuleista ei edes luo Pxxx vikakoodeja!). Tämä valinta on luotu jos haluaa lukea kaikkia autoja OBDII standardi käytännöllä joka on enemmän ja vähemmän rajoitettu.

Kaksi esimerkkiä miksi tulisi olla myös varovainen OBDII standardin käyttötasolla. Live puolella (OBDII valinta) esim. Volvo M4.4 ECM raportoi Intake Air Temperature PID arvoksi ulkolämpötila anturin (Ambient Temp. Sensor) eikä IAT anturin arvoa. Toinen esimerkissä Citröen tuotti Pxxx vikakoodiksi "bad secondary air valve" vaikkakaan autossa ei sellaista ollut ollenkaan (vika oli lopulta toisio ilmapumppu viallinen).

Tämä mittariston valo ei tarkoita automaattisesti Lambda-anturia!

Iso kiitos kuuluu Richard H. Jones (http://jonesrh.info/volvo850/index.html) inspiraatiosta ja avusta mitä hän on myös antanut henkilökohtaisesti ohjelman testauksen ja ideoiden välityksellä. Itsellenihän tämä oli myös ihan ensimmäinen kosketus Javaan joten.. suokaa anteeksi ohjelma virheet mitä nyt saattaa ilmentyä yhä... Ilmoittakaahan!

V1.4.4 eteenpäin sovellus tukee Live data login tuomista suoraan Excel tiedostoon.

Mikä ELM327 laite?
Huom. Adapterien myynti jäissä kun tulossa lisäominaisuuksilla rakennettu 327 yhteensopiva adapteri.
Näitä löytyy eri paketeissa olevia laitteita mutta kaikki eivät ole mitä väittävät olevan.
Kuvassa kaksi ELM327 laitetta eri toimittajilta. Kun katsot tarkemmin laitteen sisälle huomaat eroja. Toimivassa on esim. kaksi piirilevyä mutta tärkein on ELM327 piiri tai sitä emuloiva PIC18F ja ei toimivassa on hyvin vähän komponentteja ja iso ELM327 on korvattu tuntemattomalla piirillä, joka on mustan epoxin alla (COB eli Chip-On-Board).
Ei toimiva vastaa mm. ATSI komentoon vain ? - kysymysmerkillä, jota tarvitaan mm. Volvoissa yhteyden alustamiseen ECUihin (moduuleihin) eli hyvin puutteenalainen ELM emulointi jonka takia ei sovellus saa yhteyksiä.

Vasemman puolella purettu alempaan kuvaan. Tuntematon ELM piiri.
Edellisen kuvan ja yksi Wifi mallin jossa tuntematon ELM piiri.

_ _ ___| |__ __ _ _ __ __ _ ___| | ___ __ _ / __| '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ |/ _ \ / _` | | (__| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | __/ | (_) | (_| | \___|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___|_|\___/ \__, | |___/ |___/ *V1.8.8* #17/10/2024# + 40 Series and 70 series Scan listing to show ECC option. - Thanks for the feedback! Fix bug - Some DTC/Fault codes not showing. >> Only on Google packaged bundle APK after earlier updates resulted to not show ex. some CAN Bus fault codes anymore, just the amount and their presence was shown. Development builds nor direct APK builds didnt show this so i missed this new bug. My apologies. >> This was Android AAPT2 Linker ruining dataset parser by auto translating data of String(text) into Integer(number) and by then dropping leading zeros from fault codes which had them. >> Google had this fixed once already and they introduced parameter to be passed to linker but i guess its not effective anymore and broken. So fixed this with extra code to make sure its always correct instead relying Google keeping it not broken. ============================================= *V1.8.7* #11/10/2024# -Thanks for feedback! Standard OBDII DTC reading patch. -Added in Settings menu quick way remove all in main Summary View all Scan Data. - Fix typo so make Timeout Rate of CAN Setting actually making an effect. - CPM Live Data Runtime fixed (was missing a byte). ============================================= *V1.8.6* #02/10/2024# - Thanks for feedback! More patched for Wifi connectivity. - Thanks for feedback! Fixed If Prevent Removing Scan Data option was on it resulted in Scan after removing fault codes from module to show on App double message which of later one incorrectly showed still fault codes or no fault codes for ECUs of DENSO, BCM (CAN), 40 Series CEM 40 Series Xenon module, Convertible Top Module, ROPS, and CAN ECUs. To have updated status, need to do rescan. - Thanks for feedback! Added check for in case drop connection in VGLA PIN process example accidentally turned ignition off. - Live Data non CAN Bus ECUs now check and let user option to try connect back if turned ignition off. ============================================= *V1.8.5* #28/09/2024# - Google forcing newer API level, hoping nothing breaks due code regressions. + TCM 99+ Live Data now added (50 items). + VGLA Remote Programmer now rewritten and with extra functions. + Motronic M4.4 new Advanced commands: -Reset Adaption Memory -Reset Flywheel Adaption -Reset All Adaption factors Except Flywheel Adaption -Secondary Air System Diagnosis -Leakage Diagnosis -Fuel System Diagnosis -Catalyst Diagnosis -O2 Sensor Diagnosis + For P2 models CEM will now translate and show latest Alarm Cause after new Scan. - BT Devices Scan now work better (hopefully on all devices) <br> - Fix Wifi not push garbage data so it show wrong example Live Data OBDII. - Thanks for the feedback! Injection angle for MSA15.7 now corrected. - Thanks for the feedback! ME7 Fuel Level Live Data fix. - MSA15.7 Live Data EGR duty Cycle fixed to show correctly. - IMMO Programmer now with Current key acts as button too to check again. - Fix for earlier change of not remove DTC data always actually made now mess of summary.. Example showed ECU: 51 No fault codes reported then right next line still fault code(s). In these cases the No fault codes reported were updated information but saved DTC were not removed. - CAN Bus Live Data has now own timeout setting due they can run with way smaller value by default. - ETM live Data message return fix. ============================================= *V1.8.4* #28/06/2024# + ETM CAN bus Live Data added now! ( throttle unit ) feedback is welcome. + SRS 99 Live Data added now! (P80 models 99-00 and C70 models up to 2004.) + P80 models with CDM dashboard (99-00 and C70 models up to 2004) Scan includes now Vehicle Configuration translation. - Couple small bugs and changed Bluetooth socket type to be at Default the Standard option as it seems work with pairing better on newer phones. - Heater Live Data fix Glow Plug Status. ============================================= *V1.8.3* #19/06/2024# + Long waited wishes from users.. VGLA Programmable Parameters in Service >> Advanced ex. Alarm ON/OFF or LED blinking if DTC set etc. Requires own Option PIN code so i added possibility get that via PIN Retrieve function. + VGLA Live Data Added now! + VGLA Parameters now translated (all 70 series) and more than Volvo itself cares to show.. greetings to Volvo engineers :) + App has some raw logic now to identify VGLA and Keyless Entry from each other automatically like what found on early 40 series cars. + VGLA and Keyless Entry systems Last Alarm cause(s) in Scan now saved and translated. + MSA15.7 Low Idle Limit Parameter RPM range fixed by the feedback. Thanks! + MSA15.7 More Programmable Parameters in Service >> Advanced >> Starting Fuel adjustment and EGR Adjustment. + P80 models Power Seat Left and Right Live Data Added now! + P80 models 912D Additional Heater (CMP/Ardic) Live Data Added now! + P80 models 912D Additional Heater (CMP/Ardic) Start Temperature Programmable Parameter + P80 models 912D Additional Heater (CMP/Ardic) Low Voltage Protection Programmable Parameter + BLANK VIN-KOD/BLANK VERL. CODE Advanced command for IMMO3 systems now available. + IMMO Scan can now detect way more Engine types. - IMMO Live Data item Key Number now corrected and added if ECM has IMMO Code or is Blank. - Some Advanced Command listings propably wasnt viewable on lower resolution devices due there was no scroll view. Added Scroll view. - ECC Live Data item EVAP Temp hotfix typo. I need i guess make own ECC Live Data for 40 series! - ECC Live Data item Right Temp Switch Pos fixed to show more correctly. - ECC Live Data item Fan Switch Position fix to show 70 series more likely. + ECC Live Data item Communication Blower Fan Unit Added. - Finally Country Code aka Speedo Coding parameter decrypted for 850 / 70 models. - Bug fix If Bluetooth turned off now shows popup.. as old code in that term was broken and not working. ============================================= *V1.8.2* #09/06/2024# + Thanks for Jesse Martin for his fight with SRS system and discovery of where SRS was actually halted why fault codes did not got to reset and shared his founding so thanks to this for sure valuable information App can notify user when App detects same situation as his. + Added SRS Live Data item Backup power Reserve. - Fixed to show correctly Emergency Mode for Gearbox Live Data item. - Fixed to show correctly Left Temp Switch Pos, Fan Switch Position for ECC Live Data item. - By the request of couple ME7 Live Data items.. i decided throw a bit more. + Added ECC Live Data item EVAP Temp. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item MAF Flow. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Ignition Angle. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Boost Pressure Sensor. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Reference Boost Pressure. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Intake Air Temperature. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Oil Pressure Switch. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Catalyst Temp (Model). + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Catalyst Temp (Model), bank2. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item ECM Temperature. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Relative Engine Load. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Engine Oil Temp. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item EVAP Close Valve. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Fuel Level. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Fuel Tank Pressure. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Vehicle Speed. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Throttle Angle. + Added ME7 Can Bus live item Throttle Angle Desired. ============================================= *V1.8.0/1* #02/06/2024# + Added P2 Volvo CEM Fault codes. + Added P2 Volvo ME7 Fault codes + fixed reading. + Added P2 Volvo EDC16 ( D5 engine) Fault codes. + Added P2 Volvo ABS/BCM Fault codes + fixed reading. + Added P2 Volvo TCM Fault codes + fixed reading. + Added P2 Volvo DEM Experimental reading and Fault codes. + Added and updated CDM Fault codes. + Added most of MSA15.8 Fault codes. - Way more neat listing and easier selection of Tire sizes for 40 Series in Advanced Commands. - Changed not to remove info or fault codes if just open Scan listing nor if configured not to remove information now not remove Fault Codes either if want just update shortly individually one module info and not forget rest. - MSA15.8 Advanced commands mostly did not work earlier if some one ever did try them but now fixed as noticed a typo. - Some small bug fixes. + Last minute update one majour bug > 1.8.1 ============================================= *V1.7.9* #24/05/2024# !! Highly experimental ME7 CAN Bus Live Data by new bypass to make it possible with native ELM327. You can speed up greatly data for this by lowering ELM327 timeout limit from Settings as this protocol supports high speeds. - Very rare situation where CAN Bus init failed. Now App can deal with it. + 40 series COMBI support example programming Service Light and Tire size (up to 2004) more coming later updates. + 40 Series has now own Gaugetest due it was made by own manufacturer with own commands. + Due 40 Series and C70 were special models they now have own listings at Scan. + 40 Series added CEM and GDM Xenon module Scan (untested). + 40 Series ABS Live data to work for Wheel sensors. - Shortened many command start listing to be shorter usage. + After big push from Spons.. donation, update now includes all fault codes for CCU and Denso. + Due there still thousand or so fault codes not in App. Developer took creativity break which results saving over 2000 if statements in code which i will remove in after next update.. adding one fault code took originally 5 minutes almost. + Slight other visual adjustments here and there. - Adjusted namings.. ROP is now ROPS. - Some smaller bug fixes here and there like Bluetooth stuck in Connecting status when switching view during it or CDM Gaugetest was broken due recent changes which fixed other problem. ============================================= *V1.7.8* #07/05/2024# - TCM Live Data Mode selector slipped bug at previous version which did mostly override valid information with ERROR. - MSA15.7 sends two part live messages which latest update did limit to one which why Live Data actually got broken for it. Thanks for report! ============================================= *V1.7.7* #28/03/2024# - Adjust many windows to show scrolling function in lower resolution screens ( thanks for the report! ). ============================================= *V1.7.6* #26/03/2024# - Added now wifidiag command in Service terminal to print out directly output to help diagnose any Wifi issues. - More Wifi bugs on older Android system. - Some Bluetooth bugs. - Some annoying Permission Popper triggered certain devices Bluetooth 11 (developer did read wrong documents now limits up to 12 where it was introduced). - IMMO Key programmer slight tweaks (visual). - TCM 6E Live data item additions (Lock up solenoid and Vehicle Speed value). - Live Data slight tweak if only one command to be faster ( in theory ). - MSA15.7 Adjust Low Idle Parameter (scale missing still though). - Made MSA15.8 Adjust Low Idle Parameter actually work now in theory! Had typo in what value was selected where it ended never actually attempting write or read any value which i yet never tested due lack of such vehicle. - USB write bug ( in theory should not ever had effect unless now with latest live data speed tweak.. now prevented ). ============================================= *V1.7.5* #18/03/2024# - By after many requests over the years and change of mind as this feature can be found on many tools.. Immobilizer Key Programming capabilities at Service >> Advanced >> IMMO now available. - Wifi reading rewritten to be more simple though some ECUs still bring up trouble time to time. - Some smaller bugs squashed. - Proper Denso ECM (99 year) DTC reference to be shown. - Reported: Last update fault code reading of 1999 CAN Bus modules had bugs like where module did not support exactly same fault code reading command like on 2001 S80 - fixed now, thank you! - Modules which reports Fault Code counters now some correction. - In theory Live Data faster now once again. - Bluetooth decided not connect without adding permission request to connect (thx Google) which after adding permission request does come back as permitted automatically and works again so go figure. - Added Back button at Settings menu if Android devices back button or function is not in place or Activity closed for no good reason. ============================================= *V1.7.4* #08/01/2024# - Reported: Bug Fix for CAN Bus reading if there was module in between which did not respond resulted App logic miss all later modules (as a extra 2011 year one unknown model ECM now should read if chooses ME7 ECM). - Reported: ABS CAN Bus missed save read results on 99 models - Fixed (was different compared 1998 S80 etc). - Reported: Add Denso Fault code reading ( not yet fault code translations ) for 1999 models and Identify Denso ECM PN if detected and not call it M44. + In Scan added MSA15.7 check status of Cruise Control if it has been Activated (this now after studying it to be more certain of it). - Reported: Bug Fix at VGLA with command App didnt handle well if there was fault codes resulting App crash due null pointer. - Some random small bugs squashed. ============================================= *V1.7.3* #04/12/2023# + New VGLA PIN Retrieval Function (developed on 1999 V70 model VGLA module) in Service Advanced commands. + VGLA Add Remote (Programming Remotes) Function fine tuned to be more helpful and more straight forward. - Some random small bugs squashed. ============================================= *V1.7.2* #08/11/2023# - At the Scan reading of programmed Speed Warning value corrected. - Small bug fixes again. - Permissions revised for ex. Export Log to work without Permissions on Android 11 and up as using new path which does not need one. ============================================= *V1.7.1* #05/11/2023# + After research new feature: Service >> Advanced >> Instruments >> COMBI >> Speed Warning for 850 and maybe V70 models(?) with guide (for 850 only for now) how retrofit one if want do so. - Fix send log bug. ============================================= *V1.7.0* #29/10/2023# - Exporting Log now again faster specially if larger files. Tested on Android 4.4.2 and Android 12 systems. - Bug fix: USB may have shown connected even if not given permission to USB device. - REPORTED: Bluetooth/Wifi with Permissions Removal or denial of required permissions did lead to problems (thx Google forced system and development target updates #censored#). Why? Since Android 11 system lets only asks for permission twice. Then user is required to go to App Settings solve the issue. Quote from Google: Starting in Android 11 (API level 30), if the user taps Deny for a specific permission more than once during your apps lifetime of installation on a device, the user does not see the system permissions dialog if your app requests that permission again. The users action implies "dont ask again." On previous versions, users saw the system permissions dialog each time your app requested a permission, unless they had previously selected a "dont ask again" checkbox or option. Due this now App own after twice failing request will show information of this and provide way to fix this by going or user can now go Settings menu which has button to go directly in App Android system Settings to check if anything is wrong. Thanks for reporting any issues! Lets keep them away! ============================================= *V1.6.9* #27/10/2023# - Wifi now rewritten mostly in two threads writing and reading to help with performance and stability. - Some Cheap Chinese Wifi cannot even produce full ATPPS response.. now app jumps over it if sees such one after couple try outs. - I created funny double logging bug in log if used CAN Bus item, Fixed! - Thanks for reporting! Sorting errors in Scan and ClearDTC ex. MSA15.8 CAN and other small bugs. - Reported: EVAP Valve test fix notification if failed to contact ECM plus keep screen on if running. - Reported: Hot Fix for Summary aka main screen view with Scan data. If some data was not read and it shown Not Found and trying open pop up might crashed due it creating heavy program loop until memory crash. + Organizing Settings Menu. + Due Google Android system ever progressive changes and code regression Android 10 and previous versions can continue using old log file saving path and 11 and newer will only be able export log manually to check it. Additionally now saving log wont require permission on those devices but only on Exporting to write log to ex. Download folder. Original idea of log always been out on SDcard location is from pre Android 4 times when App was for those. If there is be found log of old style it will have extra button to Export. + Live Data text view text has now pinch zoom text size to adjust for YOU by YOU (feedback is welcome to adjust more usable). + Some extra information from Scan with MSA15.7 if tuners or someone knows what they mean.. maybe strategy and engine? ============================================= *V1.6.8* #07/10/2023# - Wifi reverse ============================================= *V1.6.7* #07/10/2023# - Some major Wifi bug fixes for connection stability (kept hitting my head on desk for years..). - Reported: MSA 15.8 Advanced command had old addressing. Fixed. - Reported: Issues with "Enable Service Log" checkbox. - Google requirement for Wifi new Permission for Android 13 if targeted build (which at last update they forced to move once again) Android 13 API level 33 - NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES. ============================================= *V1.6.6* #22/09/2023# - Reported: Major bug in read (if chose only OBDII Standard - crash). Fixed. - OBDII Standard fault code reading bug if had many fault codes (bmw). Fixed. - Fixed CAN Bus reading for 99 to 2007+? in App by new logic for CAN Bus models (tested for up to 2007 models) as previously failed to contact all of same year modules and did only random years modules. + Added CEM CAN Bus reading. + MSA15.8 Idle adjust command now with Read functionality (in theory). + Added ETM CAN Bus reading. + Added MSA15.8 CAN Bus reading (in theory). + Added MSA15.7 live data items for response to Cruise Control buttons and its related Kickdown, idling, brake and clutch switch status and Immobilizer status. - Fix USB connectivity old typo bug and drop connection if device removed. ============================================= *V1.6.5* #25/06/2023# + Added information about Drive Cycle for Readiness Codes, OBDII Emission Monitors about getting them Ready for 1996 to 1998 models in Main screen info section ( i ) button at the top bar. + Added Motronic M4.4 Live items; Warm Up Cycle Status, Drive Cycle Status, Trip Complete Status, Tank Pressure, EVAP Valve Control, Fuel Tank Test System Status to help with OBDII Emission Monitors tracking where going at. + More new China ELM327 clones going around with new flaws so App detection of them now tweaked to show if noticed (they changed just to show OK for every unknown commands). + ECC Live data items slight updates. + Live data while setting ELM327 ATST to 16 it cut delay by 100ms per command while talking with Motronic M4.4. Sweet! Added in Settings menu option to try different settings as if user so wants. Be noted! the absolute minimum option 01 you result not getting data on each time (unstable connection). Tested 05 working still on Motronic ECM and all what my 850 had but not example on MSA15.7. + Advanced Commands >> Motronic now can toggle EVAP Canister Shut-off and Purge Valves to check Tank pressure does it release pressure or get vacuum. + Advanced Commands >> VGLA >> Program Remotes removed over-engineered blocking of checkbox. ============================================= *V1.6.4* #15/06/2023# - hotfix about Bluetooth ============================================= *V1.6.3* #11/06/2023# - Typo fix. - VGLA Remote Programming had bug on Reading button which made pop up disappear unwantedly. + ECC can now be kicked out of Self-Adjustment process if gets stuck in it (led blinking brick mode). This function is inside Adjust Motors command pop up. Thanks much for all reports and testing! + ECC more live data items added (still requiring fine tuning to be spot on). + ECC more info in when doing Scan. + ECC programmable parameters now available in Advanced >> ECC >> ECC Configuration. + in Service Scan/ClearDTC ECU list has now separated list views per year model ranges (and old ALL) to try be more clear what could be for your car without avoiding asking too specific questions. - TCM non can and can modules merged in Advanced commands these two different TCM choices for more streamlined use. ============================================= *V1.6.2* #27/05/2023# - ECC Self Adjustment if has got stuck and has DTC example about damper motors, contact via email there is now testings with update. + Added in Settings menu change year for Volvos if try Scan (CAN) modules in 2005 or up years if reading fails. + Now ABS/BCM CAN (1999-) reading and clearing added. + Now TCM (Gearbox) CAN (2001-) reading and clearing added. ============================================= *V1.6.1* #23/05/2023# - ECC Self Adjust slight update in guide text and code more streamline process if faults detected. - ECC Live Data items slight renaming more official. ============================================= *V1.6.0* #08/05/2023# + Added rest of SRS module fault code translations from years 99-00 (need re-Scan with new version to update them). + Added Experimental VGLA programming of Remotes (97-00 year models) in Advanced Commands. ============================================= *V1.5.9* #01/05/2023# + Added CDM programming Show leading Zeros in Advanced Commands (Instruments). + Added CDM programming Service Light Configuration possibilities in Advanced Commands (Instruments). + Added MSA15.8 (99-200? years) Idle Speed Configuration possibility in Advanced Commands. + Added TCM (99-200? years) Clear Adaptions (Pressure and Oil Quality) in Advanced Commands. + Added ME7 (99-200? years) reading and clearing Fault Codes *listening feedback*. ============================================= *V1.5.8* #24/04/2023# - Fix bug when there was faulty message coming through with error, app got stuck in loop. - For Volvo own fault codes for pre CAN Bus added checksum check to avoid registering bad messages. ============================================= *V1.5.7* #06/11/2022# - On 1999 models Scan did make error on one command answer due message format in these was updated. If Have 1999 model and something funny comes please just send log with new Scan. - One reported SRS Fault code from 99-00 year V70s added. - Added In Service >> Advanced >> EMS2000 >> Reset Adaption Memory. - Added In Service >> Advanced >> DSA >> Reset Wheel Adaption. - Long info (i) button text slightly modified in cleaner state. Easier read. - USB bug fixes. Shows now too pop up if attach or deattach so user knows it detected. - Capability to copy text from Main screen items of their pop up windows. Shorter way to share trouble codes if want to do that just. ============================================= *V1.5.6* #02/11/2022# - Wifi permission bug was able skip permission request and not return to it and result not working connectivity if as such on Android 8+. - Live init bug fixed now for some modules has been affected for long time so only Service Scan did reach these modules but Live did not, did not show on 850 modules which why it flew under my radar. - Moved CDM/CEM to be last item in Scans if selected as it broke otherwise init steps for older systems in middle of run and triggers false popup of about ELM327 on rest of the run. ============================================= *V1.5.5* #15/10/2022# - Renamed Kline button to COMBI in GAUGETEST to avoid confusion when referred text of popup. - For years 1999 and 2000 CDM module (Dashboard) now Fault code reading and clearing capability plus some additional information. More ECUs from years 1999 and 2000 reading coming later. ============================================= *V1.5.4* #13/10/2022# - Option in settings now as make Scan not remove all previous data else than Fault code reports so no need read all again if hurry and want save data. - Figured out 1999 + 2000 systems which used Dashboard (CDM) as CAN bus starting point. On these years no need any ELM327 mods to use. - Included now working 1999 + 2000 years CDM Dashboard Scan option, Service Light Reset and GAUGETEST. - IMMO Live data items reworked as it was different on newer IMMO3 systems than 850 IMMO2 which resulted wrong data about transponder status and key code status from my earlier testing. Added now additional information on items what they mean, affect working and in scan too more information from inside modules. - S/V40 live data on IMMO not connecting like with on 850 (if transferred module right into 850 it worked though!). Modified now live connections start similar to Service. Slower while establish connection. - For Bluetooth new socket to try if others failed plus small bug with Bluetooth in terms of icon stuck if failed connectivity in example other device using Bluetooth Device. ============================================= *V1.5.3* #05/09/2022# - Reading 2001 Volvo CAN Bus DIM, SRS and possible of CEM information with ELM327 coming soon. - CAN GaugeTest now works over in car OBDII port over CEM correctly. More info in Dashboard test window. - Added for S/V40 series DSA fault codes. - Some live data fixes after testing S/V40 series. - Motronic Live data item Injection time added by the request - to be confirmed. - In Service in rare cases some Adapters or the Car module itself for some reasons may answer too slowly some requests or longer messages, now App will try again slower if detects as such broken message. Previously this resulted wrong data or pop up for error. - Fixed some runtime issues and made upgrades under hood to make new Android systems more supported while testing continues too on older systems. Thank you all for feedback! - Fixed sending full logs via email from settings due many Android email clients have moved to new way handling files between apps. ============================================= *V1.5.2* #23/03/2022# - Fixes for wifi based on LineageOS android systems which requires ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permitted to work correctly. - Added setting to bypass wifi binding process / force all as old android if there is still other systems misbehaving compared to Android one due differences. ============================================= *V1.5.1* #13/03/2022# - Fix smaller and larger runtime bugs. - While doing full scan user can now be able check progress and return to app via notification :) - Live Data handle better some no communication situations. - Live Data had reading bug (which affected OBDII values) which was limited to interface type (on wifi/usb). - For Wifi connection added more code to keep UI up to date. - After stress testing added now retry for getting all bytes if adapter starts failing send them all. ============================================= *V1.5.0* #29/12/2021# - Bug fix where some device may send extra stuff after message halting whole app due loop issue at Service. - Bug fixes for Wifi. Thanks for feedback! - If Disconnected status show it instead of "OFF" as status on wifi. ============================================= *V1.4.9* #28/11/2021# - While on Bluetooth or Wifi app will now show current device name under connection icon on which ever Android systems supports function. - Wifi connectivity streamlined on Android 8 to 11.. On Android 12 Google decided to deprecate function already so it requires more work. - Fix bug where on main screen rotation suddenly crashed app. Developer forget one thing. - Smaller bug fixes and preventing issues. ============================================= *V1.4.8* #09/11/2021# - Live Data - Fixes with Wifi connectivity. - Live Data - Notification if failed connect ECU. - Replace old code detect Wifi connectivity which Google had deprecated for unknown reasons. ============================================= *V1.4.7* #26/09/2021# - Request: Live data item Flywheel Adaptation Status for Motronic. - Exporting log works now more linear (one step only). - Bug fixes in Live Data like you could not turn off some item due typo in code. - Add permission check for the log writing if user turned them off it may have caused failed writing the log. ============================================= *V1.4.6* #16/08/2021# - AW50-42 Live data addition. - Motronic M4.4 Live data additions (requested Knock Sensors). - Bug fixes. - Wifi connection tweaks. - Live Data / Scrolling values (in other terms) now does update instantly per item so more lively screen in TextView. ============================================= *V1.4.5* #01/08/2021# - Slight bug fixes (thanks for feedback!) - AW50-42 Live data additions and fixes. - Motronic M4.4 Live data additions and fixes. - Wifi connectivity. * If you take Wifi dongle out example during live data, app will notice now it correctly. * Some cases ELM327 wifi version may send incorrect (corrupted) message which caused connection interrupt. App now can resume from these mishaps. * On newer and faster Motorola i finally did catch Wifi bug where reading buffer got corrupted in between system calls. Works better but need still tweaking. * On newer Androids can fail make connection due system proceeds after slight time to ask user confirm to keep connection to ELM327 WIFI dongle before you can actually connect to it. ============================================= *V1.4.4* #24/07/2021# - Live data log can be now be exported as clear (what you saw is what you get) Excel file via Settings menu button (will appear at the bottom if log has been created). No support old logs due all changes which was required. Added raw export for Old live data if found as is. - Live data items got some cleaning. - Added confirmation before removing log files. ============================================= *V1.4.3* #07/07/2021# - Fix app not including some cases Summary in the log. - By feedback [Live] Motronic Lambda voltages now corrected. - Service - Scan now catches correctly hex values of the 1999 and 2000 year models of the V70 SRS modules DTCs. - Combi and ABS fault codes (DTC) includes now cycle status reading. - [Live] Gearbox new item, KickDown switch status. - [Live] Gearbox new item, KickDown activation status. - [Live] Gearbox Torque value fixed to more correct ms (milliseconds) indication. - [Live] Gearbox new item, brake switch status. - Gearbox advanced commands now has Torque control test. - Gearbox advanced command solenoids now in one popup with some live data. - Change by a request text info :) - Added some extra info on various places in app functions. - Included more ECC Scan items to save in log for further studies. ============================================= *V1.4.2* #18/04/2021# -ECC self-adjustment has now extra info of procedure and some guidance. -Horizontal to vertical view change wont mess up things now. -850 models had bug with fault code Freeze Frame reading on COMBI. -Fix Android 10+ of log file saving problems which affected that log file is not created but user needs export it to view it now. .. ============================================= *V1.4.1* #15/02/2021# - Hotfix bug update for 1999 ECUs fault code read and clearing when they doesn't support old way. - Small tweaks for CAN Bus dashboard test. - Script reader slight tweak for avoiding bugs. ============================================= *V1.4.0* #13/02/2021# - Correction for Motronic M4.4 scan information, additional H/W turned out to be BOSCH order number on the ECU sticker ex. 0 261 204 609 on mine. - Service terminal now supports 'scripts'. - Automatic gearbox Live data reviewed by the request. - USB baud rate settings now available. - 1999 models of V70 had new way of fault code request which app did not understand correctly to do. - Fix manual typing of some OBDII standard commands without ATE1 and ATH1 commands. ============================================= *V1.3.9* #31/01/2021# [x] Fix Motronic live data item of TPS. [x] Fix broken OBDII standard function of detecting car O2 system. [x] Fix OBDII standard Scan to function on CAN with 29bit ID. [x] Fix in Service Selected Scan items not resetting correctly after changing options. [x] Added partial FreezeFrame information support for COMBI ECU (850 only? later V70 support). [x] Tweak connection to ECUs as by one report ABS did connect on Live but did not connect in Scan in Service. ============================================= *V1.3.8* #10/01/2021# [!] First CAN based communication test for Volvos (99-06 ?) Gauge test now includes CAN based Volvo dash test which is tested on 2001 Volvo dash (DIM) but as i dont yet own full car not tested on one as CAN bus in OBDII ports are closed on Volvos and not sure how well ELM327 can handle opening it and keeping it open. Looking feedback! [x] Added notification of new updates to notify user as update may be installed automatically in total silence. [x] Fix Write permission pop up happened more than requested. ============================================= *V1.3.7* #10/12/2020# [x] Request: ECC (A/C) Adjust Motors command in Service [x] Landscape mode tweak for dynamic timing. [x] Couple new COMBI fault codes for SV40 cars. [x] COMBI live data item Oil Temperature for only SV40 cars. [x] ECC (A/C) Live data items [x] Connected WiFi OBDII name was missing as device name but now is on below Android 8.1. [!] V40/S40 people if possible do full scan with new version and send log to me! [!] Add Remote programming for VSXC70 series (i am looking someone brave who has pin and all ready and can verify procedure if i have not all correct.. i mean has official tool in hand. I will send beta for him about it). ============================================= *V1.3.6* #17/11/2020# SORRY FOR DELAY -- update took weeks to publish. Per Google terms messing up location permission into Bluetooth they had problems clarify what is what. - Android 11 datalog turned off due system changes (hang and crash problems) not supporting anymore it in same way as since 4.4.2 up to 8 - Privacy Policy - Bluetooth Device selection screen made more clear in cases where devices has multiple names but same MAC address it will now list them all and you see devices which are near by you or not (with marking). - Service : Scan long click method to start full scan directly had missing checks preventing it run without connection. - Fixed the Graph NOT to clear data when stop running so can take a look for what happened little time ago. - Added OBDII Live Data protocol choice of "Automatic" as its been so far reliable work with multiple car brands i tried and heard. - Fix Service VIN to be readen correctly (standard OBDII) with all new current samples i have (got empty VIN by error). - Additional info on one fault code [COMBI]. - Modified Error popup list only main things. - Fix error where OBDII standard protocol sends "Not Supported" response for command. - Request: Modify livedata item selection to be like ECU selections for Service - Scan. Faster to use. - Add no fault codes mentioning when there is none reported by ECU so user knows app did get and check response. - Fix to not to create empty 850sniff.txt files when the feature was not even used. - VGLA ECU now scans amount of remotes programmed and shows in summary *to be verified*. - IMMO ECU now scans amount of keys programmed and shows in summary *to be verified*. - Fixed some possible bugs in reading. - Fix Wifi connection to stay on successfully (at least on mine 4.4.2 android) and does recover when there is time out happening. - Finally found old bug which made app crash due Looper.prepare() - error. * Add Remote programming for VSXC70 series (i am looking someone brave who has pin and all ready and can verify procedure if i have not all correct.. i mean has official tool in hand. I will send beta for him about it). ============================================= *V1.3.5* #24/06/2020# -Update some text sources -Requested: Selectable scan -Correct one country code -Sip basic OBDII questions if no support on car or fails to connect -OBDII standard scan now shows O2 sensors -OBDII standard live data of O2 sensor 1 and 2 -Live data added Graphs view. -Live data rate timer fixed to be more correct how fast data comes. -Bug fixes ============================================= *V1.3.4* #14/04/2020# -LiveData for Motronic; Secondary Air Pump system, MAF, Lambda regulation, Lambda Voltages and heater amps. -LiveData for MSA15.7; Air inlet value, actual, EGR valve. -Advanced commands MSA15.7 EGR valve more detailed. -VIN code reading from now ISO and CAN protocols during the scan for basic OBDII info. -For new user who denied SDcard r&w rights (log) app would not jam and disable log if so. -Log includes more clear indication for me to find bug. ============================================= *V1.3.3* #xx/09/2019# -[Service]basic OBDII reader i forgot complete one work which clearly did show up then. Fixed and no popups from those and now shows ECU numbers correctly too on both style (CAN and not CAN). -[WIFI] shows when it timeouts correctly so user wont scream to empty server socket. (work in progress to keep it on constantly until user really disconnects) -[WIFI] possible fix on error old Android versions (i can not test at the moment below 4.4.2 androids personally) ============================================= *V1.3.2* -MSA15.7 Livedata new items; Quantity of fuel injected, actual amount. AND Quantity of fuel injected, Req by driver amount -MSA15.7 Livedata had typo in couple items not showing on / off correctly -Power Seat DTC info added now. -Wifi interface had big bugs which prevented it working in most adapters. Got hold of myself now new adapters which did show to me where problems existed. Sorry long time and confusion :( -Wifi interface detects timeouts now but can be time to time still buggy if left on and not used for while (will try fine tune it less hassle). -[Service]standard OBDII support now for ISO 15765 too in Scan (LiveData comes later due my time limit) which my app did not yet understand translate (CAN). ECU registering still buggy due changes. -[Service]PID collector now understands Mode (Service) 09 PIDs to collect as well which are reported on newer Volvos. -[Service]ISO 15765 too in Scan to understand translate VIN code if provided like in newer Volvos. -[Service]PID collector still! had bug if got incorrect data from device. ============================================= *V1.3.1* #04/09/2019# -[Service]PID collector had bug if got incorrect data from device. -[Service]For the scan now displays OBDII emission test data. -[Service]Standard OBDII Pending Pxxx DTC collector had bug. -[Service]Standard OBDII MIL light status/DTC amount collector had bug when there was multiple ECUs responses.. do'h. ============================================= *V1.3.0* #14/08/2019# -[Service]S40/V40 Service Light Reset had glitch which made it non functional. Thanks of reporting! -[Settings]Send Log crashing problem fix on Android 9 (crashing is actually made by Google to protest app developers just to move on new content styling). -[Service]ABS advanced commands had typo at ending connection but most likely user did not see it. -[Service]Phones with bottom ui buttons had glitch with popup menu not showing correctly. ============================================= *V1.2.9* #07/06/2019# -MSA15.7 new Advanced commands to trying toggle Fan speeds and so on. -Standard OBDII fault code styling bug fixed. -When chosen ECU at DTC clearing there was typo happened and switched wrong way addresses so in some cases didn't work correctly. -New ways to prevent bad reading of data to prevent throwing errors at Scan. ============================================= *V1.2.8* #11/05/2019## -Bluetooth got now some tweaks. Old way didn't example ask always pin codes for connection. New one does if not paired earlier. If you don\'t like it or wont work anymore.. then change to old style from Settings menu at Bluetooth Socket selection. For hanging up during connection setting up i hope has now gone down. -Connection making Play button had big fault that it let you smash it eventually crashing the app (or even phone in worst cases). Now has limiter to limit some level. -Play button now can to try connect when user didn\'t have bluetooth on after turning bluetooth on automatically. -Play button with Wifi interface now does tell user to first connect to wifi interface via Android own wifi menu (Wifi icon next to Play button) as told in descriptions. -Some tweaks for better user experience and hopefully less laggy. -Components activation of the AW50-42LE gearbox. -Components activation of the ABS system (plz don't try them during driving on speeds!). -COMBI ECU for S70 clearing DTC when failed to clear all.. one possible fix. ============================================= *V1.2.7* #11/04/2019## -Reset Service Light for V40 / S40 is not compatible with others so now divided to own sub category (or in other models it will program Calendar days to be zero). Sorry if did happen to you! ============================================= *V1.2.6* -IMMO (41) Live data added. -Did make new bugs while fixing other bugs.. Do'h. -EMS2000 now identified hopefully all. ============================================= *V1.2.5* -One EMS2000 (S40/V40 Engine ECU) addition to be detected instead of Motronic so gets correct Fault Codes. -MSA15.7 Dynamic FP Timing screen fitment on landscpace mode and on some narrow resolution phones vertical mode too. -MSA15.7 Dynamic FP Timing one possible bug could been happen in some times if user pressed at totally right (wrong) moment Start Timing button. -ODOMETER FIX IN SCAN FOR METRIC (km) VALUE! There was some 1000-2000km throw extra in odometer total value due not so exact conversion/calculation. Thanks of feedback! Mileage (mi) users was not affected! -RTI ECU all Fault Codes now supported! -My typo on IMMO Fault Codes not rendering. Sorry ;> ============================================= *V1.2.4* #03/04/2019# -V40/S40 Service Light Reset support *Plz report thx* -Some engine ECUs didn\'t support direct reading all part number etc so -V40/S40 New ECUs; *EMS2000 (Engine ECU 1998 T4 engines) *DSA (Dynamic Stability Control) *RTI (Road Traffic Information) -V40/S40 ECU EMS2000 - Now most of Fault Codes! NOTICE this (and Melco 1?) ECUs has SAME electrical address than Motronic so earlier it was misinformation and app tries NOW identify these with known Part No and right Fault Codes so please double check. Reporting log after scan can help further identify more correctly these in future. -C70 Convertible top ECU (42) reading now supported! ============================================= *V1.2.3* #27/03/2019# -I noticed some testers uses extra commands (keys?) when connecting with S70 COMBI ECU. Now included those so if app didnt connect to that ECU and/or Service Light reset didnt work earlier with newer V70 from year late 1998.. now SHOULD WORK. *No.One.Reports.So.I.Dont.Know*. -Volvo Additional Heater ECU 912-D All Fault Codes now supported! -ECC All Fault Codes now supported! -IMMO All Fault codes now supported! -C70 ROP (Roll Over Protection) ECU all Fault Codes now Supported! -From feedback: Now you can remove fault codes (DTC) from one chosen ECU and no need all. As you want. -From feedback: App did miss completely on scan of some ECUs info because of my typo of checking! ============================================= *V1.2.2* #25/03/2019# -VGLA (Volvo Guard Lock and Alarm) ECU fault codes now supported! -Combi (ECU 51) Fault Codes has now gone through again. -Prevent startup freezing when log file has become too large to handle efficiently and even crashes the app. -MSA 15.7 Pump Timing bypass not anymore including speed for if ever someone tries it while driving which is not made for! ============================================= *V1.2.1* #11/03/2019# -MSA15.7 Dynamic Fuel Pump Timing (Beta) in Service -> Advanced Commands -> MSA15.7. -MSA15.7 LiveData items +New; RPM, Speed. -Corrections; ECT and Fuel Temp! -One rarely happened stopping bug fix and typos. ============================================= *V1.2.0* #03/03/2019# -Now should include ALL Gearbox (AW 50-42) fault codes! -Should include ALL MSA15.7 Engine ECU fault codes! -I Will be going now through to add ALL fault codes of every Volvo ECUs (what can be read with this app) for this app. Coming more on next updates

October 02 2024

Visit #23163
@Varkaus : xiaotec : Y/ID: 2828853-6